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Friday 14 August 2015

Distributive Pronouns: Definition of Distributive Pronouns

distributive pronouns; list of distributive pronouns; definition of distributive pronoun; example of distributive pronouns; distributive pronoun definition;

Distributive Pronouns

Those pronouns, which refer to one person or thing at a time, are called distributive pronouns. There are three distributive pronouns in English: each, either and neither. They are always singular and followed by a singular verb. Look at the following sentences, wherein the highlighted words are distributive pronouns:

  • Each of the girls passed the test.
  • Neither of the student was present.
  • Either of them can participate in the contest.

Like other pronouns, distributive pronouns are used with verbs. When they are used with nouns, then they function as distributive adjectives. For example, the following sentences indicate that each, either and neither are sued as distributive adjectives:

  • Each patient had to undergo an operation.
  • You can park your car at either side of the road.
  • Neither the boys nor the girls were available.

The underlined words in the above sentences are nouns.


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